Sunday, 25 May 2014

Exam Thoughts | elliewoods

As it would seem, I was quite lazy last week, with the wrapping up of university classes and tests for the week, I seemed to neglect this lovely little space. So I do apologise for that and I would also like to do the same thing for the month ahead. This is because as classes have wrapped up, I now have exams...which I am kinda looking forward to..(I know thats a bit weird) 

As many kids, in my younger years I absolutely hated Tests or Exams of any kind. Yet for some reason unbeknown to me, I get a thrill know out of the thought of completing a exam. However once I am in the exam room, I of course freak out and don't know 1) why I am doing this particular exam, 2) any of the questions and 3) why I am actually doing the course in the first place. This always leads me to finishing the exam and walking out thinking that I have completely failed the class and believing that I now have to drop out of my degree. 

However this is always not the case when I get back my exam and realised I actually did semi decent. So that is just a bit of in-site into my brain and what goes on in my head before an exam. 

I'm not to sure why I decided to write about this, it kinda just happened and things started to flow, so I just went with it. 

Next weeks blog post will of course go back to more usual things and that and yer I guess it's time to wrap this up!


Sunday, 11 May 2014

April Favourites | elliewoods

April Favourites is up!
Finally my internet has decided to return to me and work as faster as ever, which is quite convenient for myself. Due to the fact that I have a pile of work to do and need to finish :|

However as it has only just returned I have not really been organised with what I was going to write this week, so I thought I would do what I usually tend to do in these circumstances and link you to my new video that went live yesterday! :D

My April Favourites! 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Internet Problems :| | elliewoods

This past week or so I have been having some seriously slow and ridiculous internet. This is because it is coming to the end of the internet month so it will be up and going in a few days time. Also the weather hasn't been helping one bit (so much rain..but I'm not complaining :P)

So as I do not wish to deal with this slow internet until it is up and running, as there was no Wednesday video because of these problems, here is Sunday's video!